Requirements for Submission and Registration of Manuscripts of Publications

Requirements for submitting manuscripts of publications 

  1. Articles should be sent electronically to the Editorial Office of the journal "Culture and Technology" to the official address of the electric mail (
  2. Manuscripts are accepted only on condition that they are not currently being considered for publication in another publication, have not been posted on Internet resources and have not been published previously.
  3. The authors guarantee that their manuscripts are original works that do not contain elements of plagiarism and unfair borrowing.
  4. The authors should notify the Editorial Board of any conflicts of interest.
  5. The authors should clearly indicate all the sources used in their text.
  6. The authors are responsible for the selection and reliability of the information contained in articles, citations, research data, etc.
  7. The authors should report any errors they find in their manuscript after publication.
  8. The submitted manuscript should be designed in the template provided on the website using embedded styles.
  9. Additional (including multimedia) materials are either attached in the letter with the manuscript, or, in case of a large file size, a link is sent to download them.

Requirements for the design of metadata and manuscripts of publications 

To design an article, you need to use a template that is available for download on the website of the magazine "Culture and Technology" (

1. The structure of the manuscript of the article to be submitted to the journal

  • Block 1 — in the language of the article: the title of the article, information about the authors, an abstract and a list of keywords;
  • Block 2 — the full text of the article in one of the languages allowed for publication in the journal. Russian Russian;
  • Block 3 (only for manuscripts of articles submitted in Russian) — a list of literature in Russian (title "Literature"), issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (optional for foreign authors);
  • Block 4 — a list of literature in the Roman alphabet (transliteration + translation) (title “References");
  • Block 5 — title of the article, information about the authors, abstract and list of keywords in English (only for manuscripts of articles submitted in Russian).

2. Titles of manuscripts of articles

  • Only generally accepted abbreviations should be used in titles.
  • In English translation, there should be no transliteration from Russian, except for untranslatable proper names, devices, and other objects with proper names.
  • It is unacceptable to use untranslatable slang in titles, known only to Russian-speaking specialists. This also applies to author's summaries (annotations) and keywords.

3. The names of the authors

When transliterating the names of authors, the author's spelling should be followed.

4. Names of organizations

  • When translating, use the full official name of the organization.
  • The abbreviation can only be used together with the full name of the organization.
  • The preamble and titles to the titles are not translated, but transliterated, for example, FSUE, RAS Institution, etc.
  • It is necessary to specify the full legal address. All address information, except for the street name, must be provided in English, including the city and country. The street name is given by transliteration.


In Russian:

ФГБОУ ВПО Российский университет дружбы народов Минобрнауки России

In English:

FGBOU VPO Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

5. Author's summaries (annotations)

The quality of English-language annotations is assessed by the content (how fully and clearly the content of the article is presented), volume and language.

Author's summaries in English should not be a tracing paper of Russian.

It should be borne in mind that abstracts (abstracts, author's summaries) in English in the Russian-language edition are for foreign scientists and specialists the main and, as a rule, the only source of information about the content of the article and the research results presented in it. Foreign experts evaluate the publication based on the abstract, determine their interest in the work of a Russian scientist, can use it in their publication and link to it, open a discussion with the author, request the full text, etc.

The abstract to the article (the author's summary) is designed to serve as an independent source of information from the article and can be published independently, in isolation from the main text and, therefore, should be understandable without referring to the publication itself.

Author's summaries (annotations) must be: 

  • informative (do not contain common words);
  • original (not to be a tracing paper of a Russian-language annotation with a literal translation);
  • meaningful (reflect the main content of the article and research results); structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article); a structured summary is good, but not necessary. It is justified in natural science and medical journals, but not necessarily in economic and humanitarian journals;
  • "English—speaking" (written in high-quality English);
  • compact (the volume of the text of the author's summary is determined by the content of the publication (the volume of information, their scientific value and/or practical significance), but not less than 100-250 words (for Russian-language publications, a larger volume is preferable).
  • The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author's summary.
  • The author's summary does not contain references to the publication number in the list of references to the article.

6.  List of keywords

Manuscripts should be accompanied by several keywords or phrases reflecting the main topic of the article and facilitating the classification of work in computer search engines. Keywords are separated by commas. A period is placed at the end of the enumeration. The size of a keyword cannot be more than 100 characters, including spaces (the limit for the e-library). 

7. Multimedia and additional materials

For multimedia articles submitted to the journal, a number of requirements must be met. The main requirements are a list of accepted files that will be placed in a multimedia article presented on the journal's website in the form of marked-up hypertext (HTML). The following file formats are accepted in the journal:


File formats: JPG, GIF, PNG.

We recommend optimizing images for presentation on the Web. Otherwise, software optimization will occur when loading.


File formats: mp4 container.

Video-codec h264 (part 10), audio-codec AAC (mp4a), frame rate 25, 30, progressive scan, frame aspect ratio 16:9, 4:3.

Preferred frame size : 576p (720x576, 704x576) (4:3), 480p (640x480) (4:3), 1080p (1920x1080) (16:9), 720p (1280x720) (16:9), 540p (960x540) (16:9), 360p (640x360) (16:9).


File formats: SWF.

It is possible to use an interactive presentation. However, it should be borne in mind that not all systems support playback of this format in browsers.


File formats: mp3 container.

Mono/Stereo. Bitrate is not more than 192kHz.

360 video.

File formats: mp4 container.

Video-codec h264 (part 10), audio-codec AAC (mp4a), frame rate 25, 30, progressive scan, frame aspect ratio 2:1.

Preferred frame size: 4K (3840x1920).

 3D models.

File formats: DWF.

Virtual Reality.

File formats: compiled scene (or project) for the WebGL platform.

We recommend optimizing all submitted multimedia materials for presentation in the Web space.The manuscripts of multimedia articles should also be designed in accordance with the proposed template. In addition to presenting articles on the website in HTML format, they will be compiled and presented on the journal's website in PDF format. To be presented in this format in the texts of articles, instead of multimedia files, it is necessary to place their illustrations according to the rules presented in the design of the template. During the final layout, links to the corresponding multimedia posted in the HTML article will be added to the illustrations. 

8. References (references in Latin)

When making lists, it is necessary to include in the articles two clearly separated headlined lists of relevant literature:

1) a list containing links in the original spelling, designed according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (for e-library); with the difference that instead of the "dot" and "dash" signs separating the areas of bibliographic description, put a dot (clause 4.9.1 of GOST 7.0.5-2008). Design examples:

The question of philosophy. 1992. No. 10. pp. 76-86.

Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of history. M.: Mysl, 1990. 175 p.

2) translated (transliterated) list of references for international citation databases. The title of the list of references should be in English: Reference.

In the text, references to sources are indicated in square brackets.


[1] – link to a single source (usually without citation);

[1, 2] – the link to several sources is separated by commas. If more than two sources are specified, then the range is [4-7];

[4, p. 16] – when quoting, comma-separated after the source number, the page numbers on which the quotation is located are indicated.

The list of references is given in a completely separate block, repeating the list of references to the Russian-speaking part, regardless of whether or not there are foreign sources in it. If there are links to foreign publications in the list, they are completely repeated in the list being prepared in the Roman alphabet.

In order for all authors of the publication to be taken into account in the system, it is necessary to include all authors in the description of the article, without reducing them to three, four, etc.

For Russian-language articles from journals, the following variant of the bibliographic link structure is required (see the example below): 

Authors (transliteration). The title of the article in the transliterated version [Translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets], the name of the Russian-language source (transliteration) (translation of the name of the source into English, output data with notation in English).


There are a number of rules that you can follow to get the maximum number of publication-related links in the journal. These rules include:

1) It is unacceptable to present only a transliterated (without translation) description in References;

2) it is undesirable to make arbitrary abbreviations of source names in links;

3) all the main output publishing information (in the descriptions of the magazine: the designation of the volume, number, pages; in the descriptions of books: the place of publication — the city, the designation of the publishing house (except for the publisher's own untranslatable name, it is transliterated)) must be submitted in English;

4) the translation of the title of the article or the source is taken in square brackets;

5) one publication is described in the list of references once, regardless of how many times the source was mentioned in the text of the publication.

Below are examples of links to various types of publications.

Description of the article from the magazines:

Zagurenko, A.G., Korotovskikh, V.A., Kolesnikov, A.A., Timonov, A.V., Kardymon, D.V. (2008). Tekhniko-ekonomicheskaya optimizatsiya dizaina gidrorazryva plasta [Techno-economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing]. Neftyanoe khozyaistvo — [Oil Industry]. No. 11. 54—57.

Description of the article from the electronic journal: 

Swaminathan, V., Lepkoswka-White, E., Rao, B.P. (1999). Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol. 5. No. 2. Available at: http://www. jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (Accessed date: 28/4/2011).

Borisov, N., Smolin, A., Stolyarov, D., Scherbakov, P., Trushin, V. (2016). The opportunities of applying the 360° Video Technology to the presentation of cultural events. International Culture & Technology Studies. Vol. 1, No. 1. 1-15.  Available at:  (access date: 14/5/2016).

Description of the article with DOI:

Zhang, Z., Zhu, D. (2008). Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. Vol. 44. No. 8. 926-930. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193508080077.

Description of the article from the ongoing edition (collection of works):

Astakhov, M.V., Tagantsev, T.V. (2006). Eksperimental'noe issledovanie prochnosti soedinenii «stal'-kompozit» [Experimental study of the strength of joints “steel-composite”]. Trudy MGTU «Matematicheskoe modelirovanie slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh sistem» [Proc. of the Bauman MSTU “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Technical Systems”]. No. 593. pp. 125—130.

Description of conference materials:

Usmanov, T.S., Gusmanov, A.A., Mullagalin, I.Z., Muhametshina, R.Ju., Chervyakova, A.N., Sveshnikov, A.V. (2007). Osobennosti proektirovaniya razrabotki mestorozhdeniy s primeneniem gidrorazryva plasta [Features of the design of field development with the use of hydraulic fracturing]. Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” [Proc. 6th Int. Symp. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”]. Moscow. 267—272.

Book description (monographs, collections):

Nenashev, M.F. (1993). Poslednee pravitel’stvo SSSR [Last government of the USSR]. Moscow. Krom Publ.1993. 221 p.

Ot katastrofy k vozrozhdeniju: prichiny i posledstvija razrushenija SSSR [From disaster to rebirth: the causes and consequences of the destruction of the Soviet Union]. Moscow. HSE Publ. (1999). 381 p.

Lindorf, L.S., Mamikoniants, L.G., eds. (1972). Ekspluatatsiia turbogeneratorov s neposredstvennym okhlazhdeniem [Operation of turbine generators with direct cooling]. Moscow. Energiia Publ. 352 p.

Description of the Internet resource:

APA Style (2011). Available at: (accessed date: 5/2/2011).

Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov (Rules for the Citing of Sources) Available at: (accessed date: 7/2/2011).

Description of the dissertation or the abstract of the dissertation:

Semenov, V.I. (2003). Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme kompaktnyi tor. Diss. dokt. fiz.-mat. nauk [Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss.]. Moscow. 272 p.

Description of GOST:

GOST 8.586.5–2005. (2007). Metodika vypolneniia izmerenii. Izmerenie raskhoda i kolichestva zhidkostei i gazov s pomoshch'iu standartnykh suzhaiushchikh ustroistv [State Standard 8.586.5 — 2005. Method of measurement. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ. 10 p.

Application. Transliteration

The presentation of a Russian-language text (Cyrillic) according to various transliteration rules (or no rules at all) leads to the loss of necessary information in the Scopus analytical system. Therefore, it is important to choose and adhere to one or two of the most common systems. If you look at the dictionary of Russian authors in Scopus, you can identify at least four of the most commonly used transliteration systems. All these options must be taken into account when searching for publications and links of authors, organizations and journal titles transliterated from Cyrillic.

On the website you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin.

For transliteration of literature, you should use variants without hard and soft sign designations.

The requirements have been prepared based on the sources listed below.

1. Kirillova O.V. Editorial preparation of scientific journals for inclusion in foreign citation indexes: Methodological recommendations. Moscow, 2012.

2. Kirillova O.V. Editorial preparation of scientific journals according to international standards: Recommendations of the database expert SCOPUS. M., 2013.

3. Kirillova O.V., Dimentov A.V. Scopus citation index: criteria for the selection of journals and prospects for the inclusion of Russian economic periodicals // Bulletin of the Financial University. 2013. No. 4. pp. 90-107. URL: (date of application: 07/13/2014).