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Культура & технологии
электронный мультимедийный журнал
ISSN 2587-800X
Current issue
Regulations on the International Advisory Board and the Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Advisory Board
Guest Editors
The subjects of the journal
For authors
Publication Ethics
Regulations on reviewing
Requirements for Submission and Registration of Manuscripts of Publications
Lipov A.N.
Institute of Philosophy RAS
Russian Federation (the)
Michael D'Errico. «Worlds of Sound»: Indie Games, Procedurality and Aesthetics of Appearance (Translated from English)
Lipov A.N.
Mikhail Gurevich. Interaction with Cage: Implementation of Classical Electronic Works Using Modern Technologies (translated from English)
Lipov A.N.
Shannon Mattern's «Awesome Storage. Secret storage methods, from desks to databases» (translation from English)
Lipov A.N.
Wolfgang Ernst. As Slowly As Possible? About the Machine (Non-) Feeling of the «Sound Present» and about Digital Indifference to «Time» (translation from English)
Lipov A.N.
Victoria Simon. DEMOCRATIZING TOUCH Xenakis’s UPIC, Disability, and Avant-gardism (translation from English)
Lipov A.N.
Rudolf Frisius. UPIC — Experimental Music Pedagogy – Yannis Xenakis (Translated from English)
Lipov A.N.
Benjamin Jörissen. Strukturale Ethnografie Virtueller Welten (translated from Deutsche)
Lipov A.N.
Michael D'Errico. «Worlds of Sound»: Indie Games, Procedurality and Aesthetics of Appearance (Translated from English)
Lipov A.N.