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Культура & технологии
электронный мультимедийный журнал
ISSN 2587-800X
Current issue
Regulations on the International Advisory Board and the Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Advisory Board
Guest Editors
The subjects of the journal
For authors
Publication Ethics
Regulations on reviewing
Requirements for Submission and Registration of Manuscripts of Publications
Gaevskaya E.G.
Saint-Petersburg State University
Russian Federation (the)
Pedagogical Approaches to Digital Humanities Knowledge Development
Lucchiari C.
Folgieri R.
Nardon I.
Gaevskaya E.G.
Borisov N.V.
Babina O.A.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Development Resources for Blended Learning
Gaevskaya E.G.
Babina O.A.
Development of «A Smart City» Concept in the Context of Cooperation between Higher Education and Cultural Institutions
Gaevskaya E.G.
Latipov A.I.
Gladkikh M.Yu.
Development of a Blended Learning Environment via Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Digital Cultural Heritage
Gaevskaya E.G.
Pushkina A.V.
Borisov N.V.
Ways of Developing Research Competencies of Students of Higher Education
Gaevskaya E.G.
Tatur E.M.
Klimenko E.V.
Mikheeva D.S.
Modern Approaches to the Study and Use of Digital Humanities in Higher Education
Gaevskaya E.G.
Kononova O.V.
Prokudin D.E.
Pedagogical Approaches to Digital Humanities Knowledge Development
Lucchiari C.
Folgieri R.
Nardon I.
Gaevskaya E.G.
Borisov N.V.
Babina O.A.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Development Resources for Blended Learning
Gaevskaya E.G.
Babina O.A.