Regulations on the International Advisory Board and the Editorial Board

The structure of the journal's management bodies

The International electronic journal "Culture and Technology" (hereinafter - the Journal) is headed by the Editor-in-Chief, appointed by the order of the head of the founder – the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics" (ITMO University). The editor-in-chief makes final decisions on the issues of scientific, scientific and methodological support of the journal and organizational assistance in its preparation for publication.

The journal has two collegial governing bodies – the International Editorial Board and the Editorial Staff.

In their work, the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board and the Editorial Staff are guided by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated 12/29/2012 No. 273-FZ), the Federal Law "On Mass Media" dated 06/14/2011 No. 142-FZ with additions dated 07/22/2013 No. 185-FZ), the Federal Law "On Amendments to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual rights in information and telecommunication networks" (dated July 2, 2013 No. 187-FZ), the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of ITMO University and this regulation.

The INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD (hereinafter referred to as the Editorial Board) was established in order to ensure the high scientific level of the Journal and its promotion in the Russian and international scientific community.

His activities are aimed at scientific guidance and support of the Journal, solving the following tasks:

  • development of a strategic direction for the development of the journal, recommendations for the Editorial Staff on the organization, development and improvement of scientific and editorial publishing activities of the Journal;
  • identification of priority thematic areas and long-term plans of the Journal; development of proposals for the formation of special thematic issues;
  • analysis and generalization of the results of scientific and publishing activities of the Journal, the formation of recommendations for its development and improvement;
  • ensuring the high quality of information presented in the Journal, participation in the examination and review of materials;
  • approval and amendments to the Regulations on Publication Ethics, Editorial Policy and Article Review Policy;
  • presentation of the Journal in scientific circles and educational institutions, government agencies, public associations, mass media and other organizations.

The composition of the Editorial Board is formed on the basis of voluntary participation. The Editorial Board of the journal includes well-known Russian and foreign scientists, heads of educational, scientific, research centers, international organizations, as well as public and government figures with international authority. The composition of the Editorial Board is approved by the head of the Founder, who performs the functions of Chairman.

The structure of the Editorial Board provides for the formation of editorial boards in the following areas, including the formation of special thematic issues of the journal. The person responsible for the direction / special issue of the journal is selected at a meeting of the Editorial Board and approved by the Chairman.

The plenary meetings of the Editorial Board are convened as necessary, but at least once a year. The Editorial Board carries out its current activities using e-mail, teleconferences, and meetings in person and/or in absentia.

The activities of the Editorial Board and editorial boards are coordinated by the Responsible editor of the publication.

The main documents of the Editorial Board are:

  1. Regulations on the International Editorial Board and the Editorial Board of the journal.
  2. The register of minutes of meetings of the Editorial Board.
  3. Editorial policy, Editorial ethics, Regulations on reviewing.
  4. The work plan for the year.
  5. Work report for the year.
  6. The composition of the Editorial Board, approved by the order of the head of the founder of the Journal.

The EDITORIAL STAFF (Editorial Staff) is a scientific advisory body that directly provides scientific support for the issues of the journal.

The editorial Board carries out its activities on the basis of professional independence [1].

Tasks of the Editorial Board:

  • formation of the strategy and direction of the journal's development, its topics, prioritization of the issues covered, taking into account the recommendations and suggestions of the Editorial Board;
  • establishing requirements for the content and design of materials published in the journal;
  • general assessment of the issues of the journal and recommendations on how to eliminate the identified shortcomings;
  • orders for articles and materials, including scientific translations and analytical reviews of scientific and practical interest to the readers of the journal;
  • reviewing articles submitted for publication in the journal for compliance with the declared scientific direction, the requirements of the editorial board, as well as design standards; rejection of materials that do not meet the established requirements;
  • establishment and maintenance of editorial cooperation with individual authors and author groups aimed at expanding contacts in the journal's profile.

Each member of the editorial board is responsible for one of the thematic areas of the journal "Culture and Technology":

  • forms a publishing portfolio of articles;
  • selects articles for the upcoming issue;
  • carries out orders for articles and materials;
  • prepares additional materials for the magazine in the accompanied direction: news, announcements, announcements, etc.;
  • selects experts on the subject of their field for expert evaluation of materials sent for publication and review of manuscripts of articles;
  • prepares proposals for the development of its thematic area within the framework of the publication of the journal.

The main documents of the Editorial Staff are:

  1. Regulations on the International Editorial Board and the Editorial Staff.
  2. The Charter of the Editorial Staff (Editorial Staff)
  3. Editorial policy, Editorial ethics, Regulations on reviewing.
  4. The register of minutes of meetings of the Editorial Staff.
  5. The work plan for the year.
  6. Work report for the year.
  7. The composition of the Editorial Staff, approved by the order of the head of the founder of the journal.